Supporters and Donators

It is extremely difficult to manage large and quality project. We couldn't have afforded such project in our small country of Slovenia without support from high-quality enterprises and individuals.

We believe that one of "life-missions" of every individual and society in general is the care and protection of cultural and spiritual foundations of that nation.

It is the greatest value and a dowry to the nation in the future.

Občina Litija, Republic of Slovenia Public Fund for Cultural Activities (JSKD), Community Litija, Litija parish,

Riko, d.d.
Trgograd trgovina in gradbeništvo, d.o.o.
Kgl Kovinska Galanterija d.o.o.
Omahen Transport, Gradiške laze 19, 1275 Šmartno pri Litiji
PINO, Gradbeni inženiring d.o.o., Ulica Mire Pregljeve 4, 1420 Litija
Rudi Turs, Velika Štanga 22, 1275 Šmartno pri Litiji
and many generous individuals.

Nova kultura Litija, Valvazorjev trg 1, SI-1270 Litija, Slovenija | e-mail: